Using Acupuncture to Relieve Pain

Using Acupuncture to Relieve Pain

Dachshunds & Duvets – a column by Jessie Madrigal-Fletcher

Suffering from endometriosis can mean not being offered a cure and realizing that managing the condition is probably the best and healthiest approach. Acupuncture, Chinese herbs and dietary changes are some of the approaches that are becoming increasingly popular in dealing with this chronic condition.

It took me ages to accept my illness as part of my daily life. I fought with doctors and my partner, and I screamed at any piece of limited research I found online. Eventually, I settled on a change in my diet, and more recently, decided to give acupuncture a go. I’ve only been going for two months, but this is what I learned:

Finding someone who understands endometriosis is very important

Practitioners need to know how your illness works. And they must know which issues affect you most, so they can adapt the treatment accordingly. It helps if they’ve had other patients with the same condition. As a patient, you should have a conversation with them, detailing every aspect of this affliction and its impact on your life.

It will probably hurt a little

My first sessions aimed to treat shooting pains in my legs. The first needles inserted into my skin barely hurt, although I felt them more on sensitive spots, like my knees. The double whammy was having my abdomen treated while on my period. I must confess that I cried a bit at this point!

It will take time to see results

It may work a little, or you might feel no difference at all. Each body is a world of its own. Don’t beat yourself up if you don’t enjoy the experience, or if you don’t notice changes. Your illness is unpleasant, and no one can blame you for being a bit fed up with it or frustrated at certain treatments.

Others may dismiss your treatment as hocus pocus

I was a complete skeptic when I went for my first treatment, and I am still questioning many aspects of it. But I noticed massive improvements in my shooting pains and the horrible soreness that enveloped my body. This took me by surprise. Acupuncture may not work for everyone, but it is helping me.

Acupuncture may belong to Eastern medicine, but in the U.K., even the National Health Service (NHS) offers it for pain management. A recent study in China found that traditional medicine Bushen Huoxue, an herbal infusion, could be effective in treating endometriosis. There are more and more people considering alternative approaches to their health.

I accepted that endometriosis is an aspect of my life that requires constant work. I’m comfortable with the acupuncture sessions and, while my sessions are not free, they are affordable enough that I can keep going. I hope that my life with endometriosis will be a tad easier over time.


Note: Endometriosis News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Endometriosis News or its parent company, BioNews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to endometriosis.